Compliance made simple.

Set yourself apart from the competition by demonstrating a compliance posture that goes beyond the traditional point-in-time check

used by over 12,000 imaginary companies - impressive, right?

Openlane is the missing piece

Start your Openlane journey
Capabilities you can count on

We're here to change the game.

why openlane?

Built-in workflows

Accelerate your security and compliance programs with built-in workflows
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why rebase?

Policies made easy

We simplify policy creation and management with templates and easy to customize interfaces
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Just launched

Total visibility

Bringing together information across your systems to give you a deeper understanding of your security posture
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created for builders and operators

We don't just pay lip service to transparency

Frustrated with a landscape of closed-source tools and nebulous compliance frameworks, all our tooling and templates are fully open source
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We work with the tools you work with

Save countless hours of manual documentation and evidence gathering with integrations built towards the tools and services you use everyday


Seamlessly setup notifications, track your progress, and implement detective controls easily with our slack integration
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Building and releasing code is an integral part of your life, so it should be part of ours, too
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You don't need yet another collaboration tool, so we've integrated with the ones you use already
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More reasons to move into the Openlane

Tracking your progress
Giving you the data you need to demonstrate your ROI and tie compliance to revenue
Enterprise-grade platform
Event logs, encryption at rest, the most up to date cryptographic libraries and tooling
Admin tools for complete control
Create many organizations to manage compliance programs across business units, granular roles and permissions
Continuous monitoring
Stay in compliance with your customers' requirements without spending your teams previous time